Sunday, September 11, 2005

Of dreams and miracles ...

Remember the time when you looked at the stars as a child !!!
And you thought that they were there only for your taking , all that was needed was a little request to your mom or dad , and they would get it for you :)

The thing is :
Whenever its your first time at something , you dont really know what to expect . So you want something which could be categorized as nothing short of a miracle . And you start living this dream . Hindrances along the way only make you believe even more that the MIRACLE is in the offing . So when does the bubble burst ?? Dont quite know .... but till it does , you pray and hope with all your heart that it comes true .
And maybe once in a lifetime , it does .....
And thats the hope that keeps us going . Thats the inspiration in our darkest hours . The light at the end of the tunnel . The shining stars in a pitch black sky .

However one must never forget - "Living your dream is not just about attaining the result , it is about who you become along the way." As long as you can do that , you deserve to keep dreaming and i daresay , deserve to actually see your dream come true .

And what if it doesn't ????????? Now thats a possibility with probability almost equal to unity but not one i am considering right now . You see , I am living my dream and if i can have just one miracle in my life , let this be it .

P.S. the above thoughts do not quite apply to the regular things in life . its only the most precious things that we dream about and need a miracle to achieve . keep dreaming and one day , it will come true :)


Anonymous said...

u really wud make a good preacher !!
but a preacher with a rather dull past :P
but is ur sermons reaching ur target cross section of the audience ...umm....doubtful!!

Subin said...

dreams n miracles on 9/11!we keep our fingers crossed for ur
dream to come tru.

Romram said...

look friend its not best of time to live ur dreams specially when u know that u are not being heard....... so concentrate on muggai otherwise there might be another dfream added to ur dream list to live with i.e. dream of IR1...... so just get out and get going

shaunak said...

@dpc :
no matter how many times i dig you out of holes (read CPU debugging , compiler grammar changes etc.) you still remain ungrateful enough to pull my leg !!!
one of these days i am just going to stop creating magic and then u will realize ;)

@subin :
now i had never really thought about the date till you brought it up . may my dream not meet with a disaster of those proportions .

@udit :
IR1 banna mere bas ki baat nahi hai . and this time i somehow just dont have the tempo to study even 36 hours before the exams . that i am not being heard , well ...... thoda aur koshish karke dekhte hain .

Anonymous said...

I have seen quite a few people who are crazily and hopelessly in love, but damn do you beat them all when it comes to being vaguely and abstractly romantic!
As a person who has "been there and seen that" all i would like to say (strictly from personal experience) is that real life is not a sweet lovey dovey romantic movie. i agree that miracles DO happen, but they dont happen totally out of the blue. its not that one fine morning you wake up to see that your world has changed. miracles happen only when YOU make them happen.
So go ahead tiger, get your prey!