Sunday, November 27, 2005

The tumble and how i got lucky

Exams over :((
:(( because the last two (the only two departmental subjects this sem) were a complete disaster simply because i didn't try hard enough ...

Anyways , i guess the damage has been done .. no point crying over spilt milk.
So decided to have dinner outside tonight for the second night in a row .. and we decided to go Waldorf (farthest from campus .. with the exception of PD) ...
Hmm .. trouble brewing ..

The usual stuff .. i had no bicycle (that is kind of a physical constant now ;) ) .. so took a ride from niksam . Now the unusual stuff ...

We always go in a group ... but today samar felt that we could just start and they would catch up .. fine by me . So we started .. waited at the first railway crossing (thats a rarety in itself) .. our group still was nowhere in sight .. Now we were descending the slope that takes us beyond Midtown .. the speed was a little too much .. i could see the second crossing also closed ... and suddenly my leg got stuck in the front wheel or so i think .. and then there was a tumble ................

Next thing i knew .. i was on the road .. bleeding from the nose .. was in the middle of the road .. so quickly moved to the side .. and just stood there and tried to estimate the damage .. i could feel the parts of my face .. so i realized i wasnt totally disfigured .. my nose was bleeding and my lips and forehead were really swollen and i was kind of giddy ..

Enough of me .. i looked around for nikhil and saw him close to me .. he was badly injured .. much worse than me .. and though i couldn't see my face .. i could feel that someone here was really hurt .. and it wasn't me . Thankfully the locals were very helpful .. they offered to take our cycle back to the hall .. and we hopped on a rickshaw and off to B.C. Roy.

On the way , i can remember being afraid that niksam was seriously hurt .. and then trying to check if my memory was working properly :) , also talking to kundu and telling him of the mishap.

In B.C.Roy : The doctor and nurses were prompt but not very caring .. they did something but could have done a little more. Niksam was apparently badly injured, while i required a second look even to make out i wasn't totally alright( that much for being able to conceal my wounds :) ). I felt bad for niksam, especially 'coz he has an exam on tuesday. Anyways we were out of there in about 15 minutes. Thankfully our friends were there now, so i felt reassured.

Now, of course, the primary objective beckoned once more .. we needed food !! So .. off to vegies .. and for today buterscotch ice cream and strawberry shake and cheese sandwich and some aloo paratha .. enough delicacies.. and avoiding the spices which could attack the internal lip cuts .. niksam still looked a little rattled .. but finally was returning to normal .

As for me .. well .. i am writing this post .. so i guess that is reassuring enough for anyone concerned about my well-being. This accident adds one more "item" to my growing list of experiences (which include pretty weird things like - "being caught for ticketless travel after having bought a ticket" , "being caught trying to give a fake note at a bank!! "). I should be fine in about a couple of days .. till then obviously my mental faculties are severely impaired so dpc will have to complete the Compilers assignment :D.

Only feel sorry for niksam and wish he gets well soon (and real soon) so that he can give a good exam on tuesday. And just for the record .. Niksam .. Ur nose is just fine , it hasnt been pushed to a side as many would make you believe ;)

P.S. : This might not be over yet . Tomorrow morning, we go back the hospital (B.C.Roy , that is) for a check-up and more medicines. The true picture will be out only then.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The tale of two nights

So often , life just takes you on a tour you are only too familiar with ...

June 23rd :
The night before i left for ahmedabad. After an "eventful" day , i had a night out and then took the train back home early morning. Sourish was there that night. And i had exactly 12 hours to wash my clothes and get them dried.

November 7th :
The night before i leave for ahmedabad (that is today) . Again after an "eventful" day with a test , a couple of assignment submissions and some other things , i had a night out (almost .. actually dozed off at 4 .. and then missed the 7 o' clock train) and then took a train back home. Sourish was in my room last night too, though only for a short time (given that he now has other things on his agenda ;-) ). The only difference being that today i just have 3 hours .. no clothes to wash .. in fact nothing to do .. so writing a post !!

Between the two above mentioned dates , a lot has happened . The most torturous semester has almost passed by (thankfully) , i have seen quite a few failures (which last year had been victories .. read illumination, debate) and for the first time ever ... i actually gave good exmas and didn't quite get the marks i thought i would !!! Well ..

And yet there remains things which just dont change ... things that you are too familiar with , some things you'd want to change but can't . And then you probably wonder .. maybe just let it remain the way it is .. after all "The heart is always wiser than the intellect" and something might happen 'before its too late'.

And now , i must hope that my presentation in ahmedabad is acceptable and i can return with full dignity. One thing's for sure , i am not going to get stuck there this time around no matter how much it rains !!! Because i am flying in and out :)

Which reminds me of my very first post on this blog "A Walk in the Clouds" ---

Oh !!! "So often , life just takes you on a tour you are only too familiar with ..."