Monday, August 01, 2005

Keeping the faith ...

The solution to a problem so often lies in itself !!
It sounds stupid but is so true . The issue thats been racking my brains for sometime now , finally found a comely solution , thanks to the internet . Its something that i saw in one of the blogs today that made me realize that
"No matter how hard you try , you cannot alter free will . So , sometimes its for the best that you dont do much and let things take their own course .... Have faith ."
Ironically , it was the internet that had indirectly conjured up the problem , in the first place .

Now , that i am smiling again (i am actually as i type these words) , i can see the clouds moving away and the sun shining through . I know the clouds will return , but then all i got to do is wait .. have faith .. wait for the light of hope to dawn once again . And I must never forget that for me - "the harder i try , the lesser i achieve" (only i didnt realize till now that this applied to non-acads as well ;) )
P.S. the theory applies only to me . apply at your own risk !!

And i have had very disturbed sleep last night because some red ants have invaded my bed . So i need to recapture my territory and ensure proper rest tonight at least .

and ALWAYS HAVE FAITH .. because thats what makes "la vita e bella" (life is beautiful)


Anonymous said...

dont go against the free will of the red ants ;)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what is that non-acad u r talking about.Can't you elaborate?

shaunak said...

2 anonymous : i can elaborate naturally , if you can elaborate on your identity .

2 dpc : wishing you the bliss of a night with the red ants . after all , you have thoroughly deserved it

Subin said...

I agree to u, dreams r like balloons hold them too tight n they break.So sometimes it is advisable to let it free.Internet indeed has become a a great solution guide.We r really lucky to get 24 hour access to this guide.