Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What's the matter with me ??!!

Am i thinking too much ? Probably yes . I still rue the tedious sunday when i finished my OS assignment well before time , because it meant that i had nothing to do over the next two days .. nothing other than thinking .. thinking about life .. my life . And now i am plain and simple - S A D
Now , i havent been S A D(that is proper sad) for a long time .. ever since my cousin left on tht train last to last winter . well , there was nothing to be sad about really . as if there is now ???!!! and thats precisely the problem .
its not as if i expected something to happen which didnt .
life has not churned up any cruel surprises .
ya .. maybe i was wanting a miracle to happen which didnt come by .. but i shouldn't be complaining about that . after all , i have had my fair share of luck (and a lot more actually) . but how wonderful it would have been to be blessed with a miracle !!!!!!!!

Now i really should stop thinking . and start praying for some more luck if i have to keep my grades on track . an idle mind can be a KILLER . one thing's for sure : i am never going to complete my assignments before time ever again ;-)

One last thought :
Why is it so hard to just follow what i believe in :
"If you ever want something badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with."

Ending on a "lighter" note , i will remember this day when my heart became so heavy that i actually wondered if i was suffering from some heart disease !! ;-)
And now , lets just be what i always am : MYSELF n thats happy .


Romram said...

Ya, finishing assignments early is really boring, but if u don't, then whose going to help us out :)
Anyways if u r bored....try coming to my wing...there is always a bhaat session going on
I really don't agree that u had your fair share of luck...but it would be advisable that 'we' get over what all occurred and start fresh becuz if its yours then it will surely come back to u....
So be yourself and the grades will follow :-))

Anonymous said...

thts a heavy one not expected from u at least not by me.

shaunak said...

thanks udit , i will be visiting your wing sometime soon .. too bad ur sweets are gone ;) .. nonetheless thanks for the nice words .
and "guess who" ,
u wrote too lil for me to make any proper guess .. if u care to give any further hint , mite just trace you down :) .. and wud actually know who thou art

Anonymous said...

What's the matter with you??everythn fine na