Sunday, March 26, 2006

Life with some luck and a weak heart

Lucky me !!!
Found out this week that I was actually the IR 1 for one whole semester (of course, I still maintain that arka's CG was more than me, so he was rightfully the IR 1 then .. and undoubtedly IS, now). Nonetheless, it felt strange to know of it now, when I am certainly no longer entitled to such an onerous title.
Not complaining though, because the strange rules in the system made me richer by Rs.10,500 over the whole year :D

Visa problems ... H-3 isn't the most common visa ... so can't be confident about it till I actually get it :(. Also, it doesn't help to have a very busy corporate legal expert overseeing your visa documents ... he never has time to appease you when you are tense.
So, for everyone waiting for the treats, please pray that the visa comes through on time. For those not waiting ... pray nonetheless if you have free time .. you can always claim your treat if the visa comes through ... only claims (proved by a comment on the blog) will be acknowledged ;)

Had a nice Saturday evening ... nice dinner with a lot of chicken :) [vegies .. plz read 'chicken' as 'paneer/mushrooms/veg. jaipuri(LS version only)'] .. then lazing around on GolC .. then Netaji top .. and then Aunties. In fact, quite a nice day .. fraught with movies and tv series :D and no work. May such Saturdays fill up my life. "Amen" (... Catholic school education, you see)

Do watch "The English Patient" at the earliest possible opportunity. Really nice movie ... and perfectly in sync with my favourite genre :)

And finally, have you ever felt that giving up something you really want is so so hard?
In the wake of new information, it seems that I should finally accept that some things are just not meant to be. However, there's something called a heart too, and it calls all the shots in my world. After, much deliberation, my heart is undecided ... the seeds of doubt have been sown .. and that's a new thing. Wish my heart was a little stronger :(
"The heart has reasons, that reasons cannot know"

And all these things just prove the great leveller that life really is ...
You might get things that you never thought of getting (and never actually deserved) ... you face new obstacles in long-cherished dreams even after you thought they had come true ("Many a slip between the internship offer and joining on time") ... you have nice times with nice friends, and your heart is filled with an inner peace ... yet, you are denied what you desire the most, all the time not even knowing the reason of such desire !!!

In such times, when the mind wishes to explore more ...
reality (in the form of java assignments and s/w engg tests) knocks on the door. Oh! its actually dpc ...

PS : "It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about." ... so true !!


Subin said...

i will pray that u get visa.i have lot of free time
actually ;)
and do you remember the delicious veg. jaipuri that we had
together in that hotel( forgot the name, that had a bar too :p)
keep exploring life even if it is in the form of tests and languages.
btw a good thoughtful message to conclude.

Romram said...

In the wake of new information, first be sure about it because It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.

Anonymous said...

well every 22-20 yr old pushing his own funda abt life and hapiness
and stuff they are themselves confused abt. Dont want to add to to this heap of confusion....well keep u usually do, even in the wake of imminent catastrophe...thts best abt u...the calm and the composure.. and yet the underlying confidence..which is really rare...
and If you have started smiling again reading uptill this (considering this was flattery from a moron) then comeback to the $%^&ing have to do the last java nonsense yourself ...
try netbeans from now..

Aditi said...

The heart does have reasons that reason doesnt know. Unfortunately most times it feels that the heart is out to get you when it doesnt co-operate. Well written and i do hope you get whatever it is you wish for..=)

kpowerinfinity said...

haan ji ... treat ke liye request ... jab visa mil jaaye .. toh treat de dena!