Sunday, April 30, 2006

"I am sad to say that I'm on my way .. won't be back for many a day"

In a couple of hours, I will be off to Delhi ...
and later tonight, off to Chicago !!!

Excited, a little sad, apprehensive, nostalgic and a lot of other things ...
But no time to write them down .. been running around (my mom) and helping her with the packing ever since I got back home yesterday morning.

Wish me luck and here's hoping I have the best summer of my life, and don't miss all of you too much (which I know I kind of will, but nonetheless) ...

Off to Redmond then !!!
Report back soon from the other side of the world :)

P.S. : Thanks to each and everyone of you, who have been instrumental in so many different ways, to actually make this come true. I have been really lucky to be around such wonderful people. Gifts awaiting the ones who care to read this and ask for it .... he he ;)


kpowerinfinity said...

good luck!
but why chicago?

have a great time this summers.. spend as much as you can ;-)

Anonymous said...

all the best, work hard, and do come back with a blonde :P, in a photo at least...and chocolates, and blog a bit too...

Romram said...

hey all the best dude!!!!
hope you had me with all the people you know ,in mind when you wrote that thing about nice people... aneways don't forget me after becomig a crorepati..

Aditi said...

chicago.. i guess that is my home town..=)
its a great place to be in spring which this is..
redmond... seattle.. another beautiful city.. really calm though.. i like chicago better

Subin said...

good luck and enjoy!! hope to hear from you tales from redmond after you come back.

Lancelot said...

hmmm u went through chicago?? hows dpc and kvg?? and you :D

stuff started??
oh and welcome for all the help... that i gave you!!!

Mayank said...

have fun :) don't get so senti .. u still have dpc with you :P